This is a fast paced match that incorporates several real life defensive shooting concepts.

The match is shot with Center Fire Pistols or Revolvers with at least a six round capacity. You will need 4 Magazines or speed loaders and 48 rounds of ammunition.

There are 8 stages of fire, 6 rounds at each stage for a total of 48 rounds. Each stage firing sequence is the same - 2 rounds at the body and 1 round to the head. Only hits inside the circle count, a perfect score is 48.

The “Rule of 3” is: Most shootings occur within 3 yards, within 3 seconds, with 3 rounds fired. The failure to stop when 2 rounds to center mass fails to stop the aggressor, fire 1 round to the head.

Then the fall back and the advance - falling back to put distance between you and the aggressor, or advancing on the aggressor to get close enough to stop the threat. This inverted “T” is training to aim at the vital body parts that will stop the aggressor.

First stage of fire:

  • From the 3 yard line, on command, load and holster with 6 rounds.

  • At the horn, draw and fire 3 rounds, (2 at the center and 1 at the head), within 3 seconds.

  • At the horn cease fire and wait for the command to holster your loaded firearm (3 rounds).

  • At the horn, draw and fire your remaining 3 rounds, 2 at the center and 1 at the head.

  • At the horn cease fire. Holster an empty firearm. On command move to the 5 yard line.

Second stage of fire:

  • From the 5 yard line, all commands are the same, except the times are now 5 seconds.

Third stage of fire:

  • From the 7 yard line, all commands are the same, except the times are now 7 seconds.

Fourth stage of fire:

  • From the 10 yard line, all commands are the same, except the times are now 10 seconds.

To continue the match, all stage commands are the same except the sequence. Stage five through eight will start at the 10 yard line and advance towards the target firing again at the 10, 7, 5, and finishing at the 3 yard line.